Available courses

Gateway to the Inner Self

Presented by the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), the Lucid Dreaming Foundation and GlideWing
July 27 - August 25, 2024
Enrollment fee: $299.00

This workshop reaches out to all explorers of lucid dreaming – from the inexperienced beginner to those who have ventured far along the path. Over the course of a month, this workshop will take you much deeper than the lucid dreaming basics. In this workshop, you will learn how experienced lucid dreamers use this state to access personal creativity, inner knowledge and spiritual wisdom. You will see how others have used lucid dreaming to overcome emotional blocks, direct healing intent to physical ailments, and explore the Inner Self.

Includes four weekly live Q&A Sessions with Robert Waggoner

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Thirteen Practical Steps to Success in Any Endeavor
A Hemi-Sync® Online Workshop

July 27 - May 26, 2024
Enrollment Fee: $195.00

Perhaps more timely than ever, the #1 book on personal development ever written was born in the aftermath of the  infamous 1918 global pandemic and the 1929 stock market crash that ushered in the great depression. It was a time when we needed to be reminded that "One of the most common causes of failure is the habit of quitting when one is overtaken by temporary defeat."

This online course is based on Napoleon Hill’s classic work, Think and Grow Rich,  the #1 best-selling book on personal development ever written. Think and Grow Rich is a practical guide and a blueprint for success of all kinds, including financial, professional, personal, physical, and spiritual.

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How to Become an Agent of Change to Foster Wellbeing
August 3 - 18, 2024
Enrollment fee: $249.00

Throughout human history there have been basically three ways to create social transformation. One, the advancement of technology and science that, in turn, serves the other two. Second is change compelled by physical power. It is almost always coercive and often violent. And it is a zero sum game. One side is forced to submit.
The third avenue of change is one brought about by something so subtle it is often not taken seriously: Small individual choices, and the power they have to create change in oneself is a fundamental alteration in what I call “beingness.”
What both empirical experience and research shows is that you as an individual can make a difference just by your individual choices, attitudes, and intentions. And when you actively join with others working for a common goal to increase wellness and happiness, particularly if you follow the eight laws presented in this workshop, it is truly possible to create a better, more life-affirming world. It has been done before, and you can do it again. This is how.


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The Fivefold Teachings of Dawa Gyaltsen from the dzogchen tradition
In progress through August 11, 2024
Enrollment fee: $349.00

This ancient Tibetan Meditation practice teaches you to enter the state of pure awareness that leads to peace, joy and ultimately, to full realization. With personal support and guidance provided by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.

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Finding Stillness and Ease in a World Gone Mad
A Hemi-Sync® Online Workshop
In progress through August 4, 2024
Enrollment fee: $249.00

This six-week course with Paul Rademacher, former Monroe Institute Executive Director, includes 15 downloadable guided Hemi-Sync® audio meditations and exercises.

Those who are drawn to the inner life often feel an unbearable tension between attending to material needs and exploration of the numinous. There is a way beyond this impasse. That way begins in the Heart - with a journey to revolutionary insights into the hidden natures of Time, Money, Dreaming, and Enlightenment.

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A practical and experiential online course for awakening your intuitive abilities
A Monroe Institute Online Course
In progress through July 28, 2024
Enrollment fee: $295.00

Former Monroe Institute Residential Trainer Patty Ray Avalon guides you through a step-by-step process to learn how to readily access and use intuition with greater clarity and confidence in your everyday life. You will learn about the nature of intuition, how to understand the unique language in which it communicates with you, and how to access inner guidance and information with your intuitive skills. You may be surprised at how natural your ability is already, and how much more powerful it will be after completing the course.

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The Journey to Quantum Enlightenment
A Hemi-Sync® Online Workshop
August 10 - September 8, 2024
Enrollment fee: $349.00

Quantum Physics is helping us discover that all things are truly connected in fundamental ways. Understanding this connectedness can have a profound effect on our lives and how we relate to the world and to each other.

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A Hemi-Sync® Excursion to Focus 10, 12 and 15

August 17 - September 8, 2024
Enrollment fee: $349.00

This experiential course is based on the work of Robert A. Monroe, a visionary pioneer in the exploration of human consciousness. Monroe's research and personal explorations aimed to help individuals move beyond the confines of ordinary conscious awareness and explore specific altered states of awareness he referred to as Focus Levels. He believed that only by experiencing these states for yourself can you turn "unknowns" into "knowns." The Focus Levels outlined by Monroe provide a roadmap for individuals to explore dimensions of consciousness beyond everyday waking awareness, characterized by a sense of unity, timelessness, and connection to a broader, more profound reality.

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Creating an Ageless You
A Hemi-Sync Online Course
August 31 - September 22, 2024
Enrollment fee: $349.00

Our thoughts and feelings affect our bodies, and we are powerful creators based on how we choose to focus our minds. The body listens to every message we think and say, so it is vitally important to develop new habits in thought, to create the life we want, including an ageless physical body, an active, lively mind and a full and loving emotional life.

This course will teach you methods for using positive intention and deep relaxation to help rewrite the script for aging. With ten specially designed Hemi-Sync® audio exercises, you will enter into a new world of possibilities for yourself!

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Finding Meaning and Guidance in Your Dreams
September 14 - October 6, 2024
Enrollment fee: $249.00

In this experiential DreamSynergy™ workshop, Justina Lasley guides you through practical exercises for understanding the meaning of your dreams so that you develop skills for becoming your own dream counselor. She shares with you how dreams have positively impacted her life in areas of health, relationships, and career. Justina will introduce you to practices that you can make a part of your life so your dreams become a nightly resource for living a more purposeful, successful and healthier existence.

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The Art and Science of Remote Viewing and Non-Local Consciousness
Next course dates: September 21 - October 13, 2024

Enrollment fee: $349.00

This three-week online workshop will take you through practical steps in learning the protocols of Remote Viewing, as well as learning to harness the power of meditation, dream crafting, and therapeutic intention.

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Ancient Shamanic Wisdom to Change Your Life
A Hemi-Sync® Online Workshop

Next workshop dates: November 16 - December 8, 2024

This three-week course with Jonathan Hammond includes 12 downloadable guided Hemi-Sync® audio meditations and exercises.

To learn to think like a shaman is to attune yourself to a magical spectrum of infinite possibilities, unseen truths, alternative realities, and spiritual support. This course teaches you how to align and transform your own mind into one that sees the world through the lens of the indigenous healers of old.

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Awakening to a New Reality
A Monroe Institute Online Course
Next workshop dates: To be announced
Enrollment fee: $349.00

This Lucid Dreaming Intensive empowers you with the extraordinary ability to dream consciously. Through understanding how to interact with your dream state, you will in turn, discover how to live an awakened life. Includes 17 downloadable guided audio exercises with the Hemi-Sync® audio guidance technology.

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Meditation as Medicine for Body and Mind
To be announced
Enrollment fee: $349.00

This three-week online workshop, with personal support and guidance from Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, focuses on cultivating loving-kindness as a means for preventing and healing both physical and emotional pain. Based on ancient teachings of dzogchen from the Tibetan Bön Buddhist tradition, the workshop helps one discover the “great healer within.” The core teachings of dzogchen introduce us to the nature of mind, to our own inner refuge, the true source of healing. Everyone has access to this source through the “three doors” of body, speech, and mind, Rinpoche has explained. He describes stillness of the body, silence of speech, and spaciousness of the mind as the “three precious pills”—a powerful medicine you can take at any time, with no side effects, to help divert you from your self-punishing tendencies, clear pain and negativity, cultivate awareness, and ultimately access the healing qualities that spontaneously arise in that space.

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Mastering the Out-of-Body Experience
Available now as a self-guided course
Enrollment fee: $395.00

William Buhlman is the world’s leading expert on out-of-body travel, conducting workshops around the world for over twenty five years. Now for the first time he has assembled his teaching material for an online workshop offered exclusively through GlideWing Productions. Whether you are a curious beginner or an experienced traveler that wants to sharpen your skills there is valuable knowledge here for you.

This workshop includes eleven downloadable guided meditations and exercises featuring the Hemi-Sync® audio guidance technology, voiced by William Buhlman including two selections from his Hemi-Sync CD Album, "Out-of-Body Techniques."

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Life, Death and Beyond
Available now as a self-guided course!
Enrollment fee: $349.00

We are magnificent, creative, and eternal beings who are learning and evolving through intense physical experiences. The key is to awaken and become an active participant in our personal spiritual path - not just a passive believer in it.

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The Five Sacred Warrior Seed Syllables
Enrollment fee: $195.00

In this course you will learn to use the healing power of five sacred syllables referred to as the Five Warrior Syllables. Guided by the mind and carried by the breath through subtle channels within the body, the power of sound will open the potential to bring joy and love to your life, facilitate personal healing, dissolve energetic disturbances, and awaken positive action in the world around you.

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Discover the Best of Who You Are and Can Be
Enrollment fee: $195.00

The primary journey of every spiritual path is to reclaim what has been lost: the truth of who we really are. Once we come to a deep recognition that our true nature is spontaneous perfection, there is no more need to search for insights or solutions, no more need to strive. According to the dzogchen tradition of Tibetan Bon and Buddhism, this simple recognition is the way to ultimate liberation, to our own Great Perfection.

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Energy Work and Your Energy Body
Level One: A Self-Guided Course

Easy to learn, Robert Bruce's Energy Work Method is a simple, step-by-step approach that puts you in touch with your Energy Body instantly. Anyone can do this, regardless of age, health or previous experience. Learn how to awaken your energy centers and move life-enhancing, vital energy throughout your body.

The Energy Body and the Out-of-Body Experience
Open Enrollment - A Self-Guided Course
Enrollment fee: $349.00

Develop your subtle energy body, and expand your awareness of the greater reality that surrounds us all. A five-week intensive that includes a downloadable copy of the Hemi-Sync® Support for Journeys Out of the Body CD Series.

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An Introduction to Expanded Consciousness using Hemi-Sync®

This workshop has been discontinued. If you are interested in pursuing this material further into Focus 15 and with trainer support and guidance, check out the Exploring the Realms of Conscious workshop schedule here >>

Focusing and Calming Your Mind
Self-Guided Workshop with open enrollment!

In these troubled times, a practice for developing concentration and stillness of mind is needed more than ever, and we are pleased to bring you this self-guided workshop featuring Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.

To enroll in this workshop, click on the title of course.

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The Journey to Quantum Enlightenment
For QAV Students

Quantum Physics is helping us discover that all things are truly connected in fundamental ways. Understanding this connectedness can have a profound effect on our lives and how we relate to the world and to each other.

The International Association for the Study of Dreams presents its third annual online conference on The Many Worlds of Lucid Dreaming. The conference will offer presentations on the many facets of the lucid dreaming universe, ranging from practical "How To's" to explorations into psi, healing, philosophy, and spirituality, as well as the latest cutting edge scientific research.

October 29 - November 12, 2022
(Read-only access until November 26)
Enrollment fee: $89.00

The International Association for the Study of Dreams presents archive recordings of the 2020-21 Lucid Dreaming Conference zoom sessions. There are 10 presentations in total, from Bhaskar Banerji, Fariba Bogzaran, Bob Hoss, Clare Johnson, Melinda Powell, Scott Sparrow, Robert Waggoner, and Craig Webb.

Enrollment fee: $49.00