Change Starts Within - Here's How
March 1-16, 2025
Enrollment fee: $249.00

What both empirical experience and research shows is that you as an individual can make a difference just by your individual choices, attitudes, and intentions. And when you actively join with others working for a common goal to increase wellness and happiness, particularly if you follow the eight laws presented in this workshop, it is truly possible to create a better, more life-affirming world. It has been done before, and you can do it again. This is how.

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The Healing Power of Sacred Sleep
Includes six new downloadable guided audio meditations

To be announced
Enrollment fee: $349.00

Sleep is one of the most important but least understood aspects of our life, wellness, and longevity. In this course, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche guides you through proven techniques for addressing stress and anxiety, while integrating ancient Tibetan teachings to bring the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual benefits of the best sleep practices into your daily life.

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The Tibetan Yogas of Breath and Movement
To be announced
Enrollment fee: $349.00

These practices have been used for thousands of years to open and awaken the energy centers and channels of the subtle energy body. They can enhance your physical fitness, mental well-being, and spiritual growth. By clearing uncomfortable emotions and other obscurations, they can open the space from which joy, love, compassion, and other enlightened qualities spontaneously manifest.

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